The transformation of our galleries is about preserving the elements that make our museum a special treasure, while better reflecting the needs of our surrounding community and updating our buildings and the galleries within for the twenty-first century. The reinstallation project will more effectively utilize the square footage in both the Edward B. Green Building and the SANAA Glass Pavilion, activating spaces that have been underutilized for many years.
We are in the process of moving from schematic design to developed design but you can expect:
Throughout the reinstallation project, a series of community engagement initiatives have been conducted to gather valuable input from the Toledo community and beyond. TMA has held a variety of moderated group discussions, ensuring that feedback is gathered from individuals with cultural or demographic backgrounds outside the expertise of TMA staff. TMA also has conducted visitor intercept surveys, phone marketing surveys, and focus groups.
TMA also created a standing Community Council, composed of approximately 30 members nominated by staff and community partners, who meet regularly to provide ongoing input on programs and projects, including those integral to reinstallation. This approach fosters an inclusive, equitable environment where the community’s input plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of our cultural spaces.